
Emily Cheng

我是Emily,我的夢想是自由工作、自由生活! I am Emily, my dream is to work and live freely!

How do I set up my own website (1)

Things on Creating Your Personal Web Site.



I always had the idea to create a personal website.

It wasn’t until I moved to Norway last year that I got to thinking.

What did I figure out?

  1. The niche of the website
  2. The name of the website
  3. How the website is set up

The niche of the website

The original idea is to begin with the service. But without the “core”, where did you get the service? And what’s the “core”? The person providing the service, meaning me.

“Who am I? What is my gift? What am I not good at? What can I do to help others? …”

To define your career, you need to know who you are and what you would like to be. Hence, the present conclusion of the website niche is my personal blog. On this basis will expand the services I can offer.

The name of the website

Once the niche is set, the name and domain name are clearer. I tried different keywords in Google Domain for inspiration.

How do I decide to use emily.how as the website URL? My English nickname is Emily and I enjoy helping people solve problems and find solutions (How to do?)

It’s great that emily.how is available and I can use it ✌️

How the website is set up

I tried Wordpress, but the interface makes it difficult for me to personalize it myself. To consider the payment and the ads on the page, leaving me with the idea of writing the code on my own.

Later, I found a course from Hahow Good School: Free building website at Github! Easily set up your own brand The course includes how to use the Hugo theme, which you can modify as per your preferences. And then, set on GitHub (free of charge~). It helps me complete the website with my own satisfying layout within a week 😁

All that I spent was a course fee approx. 30 USD + Domain annual fee 30 USD. I think it is a good deal for me 😆

Above is a short note for creating my website.

I will keep on posting more articles on the problems I have encountered and how I have solved them.

At the end, here is the Human Design Chart for this website (I’ll share about this later)

It’s a 5/1 Manifesting Generator

Website HD Chart

The Connection theme with my chart is “Have Some Fun” 👍

Follow your decision-making strategy, you will meet the right things at the right moment~

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